Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sleepy Joe is Driving the Weenie Boat

So it’s been a busy week for our placeholder president Joe Biden. He has pretty much proven that contrary to his campaign platform, he is hardly a moderate. In three short days, Joe was pretty busy.

Joe BidenSo far, he has…….

Lost about 80,000 jobs……

Banished the National Guard to a parking garage in Washington DC.

Sent troops into Syria.

Pretty much ended U.S. energy independence.

All but admitted he really doesn’t have a plan for Covid-19.

Eliminated women sports.

Broke his own mask mandate hours after he signed it.

Is preparing to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

For all intents and purposes, ended deportations.

Oh, I forgot that we’ll be counting illegal aliens in the U.S. census.

I can’t hardly wait to see what he does next week.

Trump looks better already.

I guess we’ll have to stay political with some of these random tidbits……

I find it amusing that when the Antifa and BLM thugs were destroying American cities (…and still are) , the Democrats lost their minds when Trump suggested sending in the military to control the situation. Yet, when it came time to inaugurate Chinese Joe, they mobilized a military force small enough to conquer many small countries just so they would feel safe from crazed Trump supporters.

Speaking of the crazed Trump supporters, and correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the news media tell everyone they had ‘credible’ information that there was going to be violent protests at the capitols in all 50 states on inauguration day? I hope nobody was hurt.

White House press briefings should be fun.

For the first few days….and more often than not, press secretary Jen Psaki was responding to questions by simply stating, “I don’t have anything on that right now”. I expect she’s not gonna have much of anything either as time marches on.

If you drive a car, I will refresh your memories from a few short years ago……there was talk of instituting a tax on every mile that you drive your car. Well, our new Transportation Pete Buttigieg is trying to resurrect the idea so he can fund our ‘transportation’ infrastructure. Hey Pete, come to Pennsylvania….the only time our roads are fixed is when in snows enough to fill up the potholes.

You can’t make it up……

Uganda had an election last week and the government ordered all internet access points in the country to ban access to social media sites Twitter and Facebook.

President Yoweri Museveni, 76, apologized for the inconvenience caused by the ban, but said Uganda had no choice after Facebook removed several accounts tied to his reelection campaign.

Twitter was apparently upset.

“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps. We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet”

I agree……who would block or hinder social media users……or worse, try to sway an election by denying service to people looking for information?

BTW…… Museveni won the election in a landslide.

Wear your mask……..

I am the eye in the sky, looking at you, I can read your mind

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